Mel Hoskins has 20 years experience in the care and hotel industry covering a variety of roles.
She owned and managed her own domiciliary care agency before joining a luxury care provider in 2016 as Hotel and Customer Relationship Manager.
From there she has grown and developed low occupancy homes, managed other Customer Relationship Managers in a recent regional role, and is now very excited to be involved with the commissioning of Cavendish Park.
Mel enjoys engaging with the local and wider community, forming bonds and relationships that will enable our residents to remain part of that community once they move to Cavendish Park.
The transition from independent living to care is huge and can be an emotive and difficult time not only for residents, but for their relatives and loved ones too.
Mel is committed to ensuring that she provides excellent customer service, remaining empathic and professional, and always on hand to offer support and guidance throughout the journey.
When taking time out, Mel enjoys running, walking, hiking and hill climbing. She enjoys spending time with her husband, 3 grown up children and 2 stepdaughters.
After all of the offspring had recently flown the nest, Mel and her husband acquired a new ‘baby.’ Bubba is a hairless Russian sphynx cat, who definitely rules the roost in the Hoskins household.