Coronavirus – How we are keeping you informed & updated.

This is our message to you, our residents, relatives and loved ones…

Thank you all for your support and your patience as we adapt to a profoundly different world!
Our Majesticare teams have been absolutely amazing and we are truly humbled and exceptionally proud of the superhuman efforts that everyone is making and continues to do so.

We know that you will all be concerned about the well-being of your loved ones and will want to be kept informed, particularly in the absence of visits to our homes.  Whilst we have been endeavouring to answer all your calls, we are sorry that this has not been possible and will remain to be a challenge over the next few weeks whilst we recruit more staff to help support the potential and unforeseen level in sickness absence.

Our recruitment strategy initiated last week was to over recruit by at least 20% and also to be holding a further 10% of candidates ready to commence at short notice.  The recruitment campaigns have been an amazing success and we have already secured the 20% increase in many of our homes. We are also incredibly proud to be providing career opportunities to lots of people who have fallen victim to the job losses across the hospitality and retail sectors.

So how will we be keeping everyone informed?

Short term
Over the next few weeks, we will struggle to “man the phones” and be in a position to keep you informed about each of our amazing residents. Our administration teams will be primarily focused on supporting our care teams and managing a massive recruitment process.  Anytime spent on the phones is potentially impacting our ability to keep the homes functioning and to ensure we have those increased resources to beat the challenges that we are all facing over the coming weeks and months.

We are reliant on your patience and understanding during this short period of time when we cannot answer routine calls.  If you call and there is no answer, it is not a sign that we don’t care, it is merely that we are prioritising the care and wellbeing of residents.  Please be assured, if there is a deterioration in any of our residents, we would immediately inform relatives.

To ensure that you can still have some visibility on life in our homes, we will be shortly commencing regular “virtual visits” through our homes, which will be posted on our Facebook pages for each home. We’ve included links to each of the homes at the bottom of this page. Just click on the home name and like/follow the page.

We will also be sending regular text messages to give an insight into the daily happenings and the wonderfully nice moments happening within our homes.

We have opened the relative’s gateway on our electronic care planning system. This will provide you with an insight into the care and daily routines of our residents.

Our increased staffing levels will facilitate greater communication capabilities and we will be developing systems which will allow regular residents updates.

We will have the technologies enabled in each home for regular video calls with our residents, our teams will be able to assist our residents with the devices and technology.

We’ll be sending you a further text with a link to read updates of how you will be able to use our video call technology. We’ll do this as soon as we are able to.

Should you have any questions regarding the Majesticare response and our actions in regards to COVID-19 please contact us using our dedicated email:

Thank you again in anticipation of your continued support.

Stay safe and take care,
Roger, Steve and Angela


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